I Am A Witness, 2024

Photo series

Norway January 2024: A brutal start of the new year with 10 murder cases, of which 8 were femicides. The series “I Am A Witness” shares stories about children who witness violence and murder when the father commits violence against the mother with a fatal outcome. The children become defenseless witnesses to what is happening.

“When mum came home they argued. Dad hit mom. I got scared. Mom said she wanted to go. She called him a monster. She couldn’t take it anymore. That it was over. Dad was like a machine. He struck her again. Mom got away. She screamed and begged him to stop. He just kept going. Said it was mom’s fault. Said it was her fault. She who did this to him. He won’t let us go. He hit her. Many times. Until mom lay quietly on the floor.”

TAKOM, 2024

Digital illustrations

TAKOM is a resource created by Statped for teachers working with tactile communication. I’ve created 15 illustrastions for this resource.

The glass ceiling / Glasstaket, 2023

Digital art series

I tell stories about women who fight for equality and a place in society. Modern women accommodate many roles in one and the same person, but are often reduced to one; career woman, mother, wife, princess i.a. Since I have chosen a male-dominated career, photographer, I have experienced prejudism on the basis of my gender: not strong enough and not plain enough.

Queer Joy, 2023

Mixed media series

Queer Joy is about intimacy and togetherness. It’s about the relationships we have with ourselves, but also with others. It’s the joy of being able to be yourself fully and completely and to demand acceptance in society. I show people and moments where the joy of being seen and loved is the main element.

Stories I tell to escape my traumas, 2023

Mixed media series – work in progress

“Stories I tell” is a series of images that explore a fictional world of people and places. The images are a part of a fantasy world I created in order to control my surroundings. and not the other way. They are the world I run to when I need to escape the traumas I experienced as a child and grown-up. 

Love is love, 2022

Photo series – work in progress

“Love is love” is a series of images that explore intimate moments between two women. The images are responses to prejudice, shame, and discrimination against queer women.

#sustainableliving, 2020

Streetart project
Exhibited in Grensen, Markeveien, and Torggata in Oslo.

#sustainableliving is a series of photo collages that investigate climate change, waste, sustainability, and decay. Every collage is a tribute to the animals and nature that adapt to human intervention. #sustainableliving tells us: There is no planet B.

1 Billion children, 2019

Documentary photo series

“1 billion children” is a series of black-and-white portraits of children in their natural environment. The photographs tell stories about child poverty around the world. It’s children who live in absolute poverty and in relative poverty. It’s children who have to work instead of going to school to contribute to the family economy. It’s children who cannot participate in activities due to low income. It’s children who live in 2 rooms and a kitchen with parents, grandparents and siblings. It’s children who are homeless.

URBEX: Remnants of time, 2018 – ongoing

Documentary photo series

Street art exhibition: A series of photographs exhibited at bus stops and metro stations in Oslo under the celebration of  Oslo European Green Capital 2019.

“Abandoned but not forgotten” is a series of photographs of once inhabited abandoned houses. Their personal items, clothes, and furniture are left behind. The photographs are a way to collect the memories of every person before their prints are gone forever.

A moment of happiness, 2008

Documentary photo series exhibited outside during Oslo Open 2009.

During the summer of 2008, I traveled to Iran with my camera to document everyday life. I have been curious about Iran for many years and finally had the chance to visit. It was a special experience for me.

Deja vú, 2002

Photo series

The series Deja vù consists of 15 polaroids where I entered the mind of Helen 4 years old, and documented my life and surroundings as the young me. The photos are a peek into the life of a child living in Oslo, Norway in 2002.

Exhibited at Grafill, 2003.